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Accelerate your industrial data discovery: AI-powered data contextualization

For most SMEs, accessing, gathering, and validating data is a tedious manual process that requires time-intensive human effort. Stop wasting valuable time. With Cognite Data Fusion, you can bring together and connect industrial data from all sources (like time series, P&ID drawings, equipment logs, maintenance records, 3D models, images, and more) in an automated and scalable way, making it easier for SMEs to find and use data to make the right decisions at the right time.

Make your data speak human

From engineering diagrams to time series, work orders, and more, put your complex industrial data into context for all your data consumers.

All your data, connected in one place

Build a single source of truth and reduce the time to access ready-to-use data for rapid decision-making.

Go from search to discovery

Find industrial data in seconds with more focused data exploration across your industrial sources.

Transform data into insights. Deploy and maintain solutions at scale.

Create relationships between previously siloed data, at scale, with pre-trained machine learning models, state-of-the-art rules engines, and domain expertise. Build a comprehensive and dynamic industrial knowledge graph to deliver real-time insights for active decision-making. Reuse this data foundation to develop solutions quickly and at scale across business domains.

Unpack the Cognite Data Fusion® automated contextualization engine

Cognite Data Fusion® brings deep industrial operations expertise into your operations to provide you with a unified, central data model of all your industrial data.

Level up your industrial data contextualization knowledge

Contextualized data generates significant insights for operators, increasing understanding and improving operations. With contextualized data, industrial companies find it easier to examine their assets across multiple levels, from individual sensors to complex models.

To apply Generative AI in industrial environments, context means everything

AI thrives on context. While Gen AI is a game-changing technology, without the right context, answers are often wrong. Keep your Gen AI safe and hallucination-free with a queryable knowledge graph and dramatically reduced costs while enabling scalability, speed of development, and data openness.

Enable productivity at every level of digital maturity

Deliver simple access to complex industrial data for all your data consumers to accelerate solution development from months to weeks.

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