“Data is gold,” Nikolai Astrup, Norway’s Minister of Digitalization, said as he opened Ignite 2019. “If we process and manage data properly, it will be the basis for better and more efficient public services, new industry successes, and jobs.”
More than 1,000 people connected at the second annual Ignite conference in Oslo last week. Together, industry leaders and digital innovators took a look at the industrial future and the role they must play to shape and compete in it. Watch the Ignite 2019 Wrap-up to get the vibe!
More than 60 heavy-hitters across technology and industrial verticals presented at Ignite. This illuminating program was curated by a world-class speaker committee consisting of Maria Moræus Hanssen (COO & Deputy CEO Region EMEA Wintershall DEA), Torbjørn F. Folgerø (SVP & CDO Equinor), Auke Lont (CEO Statnett), and Jan Eyvin Wang (SVP Industrial Investments WWH).
Among the most resonant messages from the two-day program were that data will drive the disruption of the industrial world and that collaboration, trust, and data sharing are prerequisite to sustainable digital transformation.
"Digital strategy cannot be a stand-alone strategy,” explained Aker BP CEO Karl Johnny Hersvik from the Executive Track stage. In fact, as evidenced by many presentations at Ignite 2019, digital insight should and will be the foundation of most strategic decision-making.
Ignite’s attendees were able to explore operationalized digital use cases in the Ignite Hotspot. The immersive demo experience was built out to simulate a cargo ship, an offshore oil platform, and a wind farm. (Watch us build it here!) Demos showcased predictive maintenance, VR/AR technology, and many other powerful ways contextualized data is already enabling a connected workforce of humans and machines across industries.
At the end of the first day, Cognite’s in-house band, Donkeyface, rocked the Hotspot and gave everyone a chance to dance.
“I’m not sure what the industrial landscape will look like in five to ten years,” said Cognite CEO John Markus Lervik as he brought Ignite to close. “But I do know that the people in this room will have an impact on it. It’s up to us to put our data to work. Liberate it. Contextualize it. Use it. Share it. Now. So that we can win tomorrow.”
We were honored to have so many of you as guests at Ignite 2019. And we hope you’re looking forward to Ignite 2020. Make sure to follow us on LinkedIn, so you don’t miss any updates!