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Michele Goetz

VP Principal Analyst

Michele Goetz serves enterprise architects, chief data officers, and business analysts trying to navigate the complexities of data while running an insight-driven business. Her research covers artificial intelligence technologies and consultancies, semantic technology, data management strategy, data governance, and data integration.

Moe Tanabian

Chief Product Officer

Moe Tanabian is the Chief Product Officer at Cognite. Tanabian has been driving innovation at scale for nearly three decades, particularly in the areas of software products, AI, ML, and IoT. Before joining Cognite, he held various leadership positions at Microsoft, Samsung, and Amazon. Tanabian holds a master’s degree in Systems and Computer Engineering from Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario and an MBA from the School of Business at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.

Gabe Prado

Senior Director of Product Marketing

Gabe has 15 years of work experience with industrial data systems, ranging from test and measurement, to machine learning-based predictive analytics, to now industrial data and AI platforms. At Cognite, he works with industrial customers to identify key technology and process problems that can be solved with smarter data management to make work processes safer, more productive, and have a higher impact.